

Highlands County is an incredibly supportive area that is committed to advancing its business community. In addition to the incentives listed below, 其领导人致力于开发创造性的方法,以帮助新企业在6686体育集团官网定位,以及支持我们现有的业务扩展. Contact Highlands County Economic Development to discuss your individual project needs.


Local Support

Ad Valorem Tax Exemption:

For qualifying businesses, 对于由新企业或扩大企业使用的不动产以及该企业的所有有形个人财产的改进,免征高达100%的县从价税. Exemptions may be granted for a period of up to 10 years. Contact our office for more information.  (863) 402-6906 or EconomicDevelopment@highlandsfl.gov

Foreign Trade Zone:

The Sebring Regional Airport and Commerce Park’s Foreign Trade Zone No. 215协助位于整个6686体育集团官网的公司简化流程,并尽量减少与合格进口相关的成本, exporting, manufacturing and distribution activities. Goods may be landed, handled, manufactured or reconfigured, and re-exported without the intervention of the customs authorities. 只有当货物被转移到自贸区所在国家的消费者手中时,它们才需要缴纳现行的关税. Find out more at sebring-airport.com/ftz/.

Governor Designated Area of Opportunity:

The Governor designated Highlands County as a “Rural Area of Opportunity.“佛罗里达州通过增加激励奖励和降低农村县的工资资格门槛来鼓励整个州的增长. Additionally, 农村社区发展循环贷款基金和农村基础设施基金的存在是为了满足企业在农村县遇到的特殊需要.

C-PACE: Commercial - Property Assessed Clean Energy

Property Assessed Clean Energy for commercial/industrial projects, or C-PACE for short, is a financing mechanism that enables low-cost, long-term funding for energy effieciency, renewable energy, wind mitigation, and water conservation projects.

PACE融资将是对高级贷款人资金的补充,也可以取代夹层债务或部分股权. 它的“资产负债表外”性质有助于预先进行战略性资本分配,而无需“价值工程”出高性能功能,其长期固定利率属性使项目在整个生命周期内都具有竞争力. In this new construction scenario, PACE can cover soft, ancillary and hard costs associated with a project up to roughly 25% of the “as-stabilized” value. For more information, visit http://info.counterpointesre.com/highlands_pace

Community Redevelopment Agencies:

在全县设立了几个社区重建机构,为这些地区的发展提供支持和鼓励. Support may be available by way of façade and event grants, restaurant incentives, financial incentives, and more. Visit the respective Sebring, Avon Park, and Sebring Airport district sites for more information.

Workforce Training Grants & Tax Credits:

CareerSource Heartland, the county’s innovative partnership for workforce training, provides a number of programs to help existing and new companies recruit, train, and maintain cutting-edge skills and keep pace with new technologies. Visit CareerSourceHeartland.com for full details about available employer training grants. 

Boundless Florida Workforce Advertisement


Employed Worker Training:

The Employed Worker Program can help a current employee obtain the skills necessary to become more productive; improving their opportunity for advancement within a company. This customized training may be provided to a single employee or group of employees. Maximum amount per business is $50,000.

On-the-Job Training:

OJT是为雇主在与CareerSource Heartland达成协议后雇用的合格候选人提供的,雇主将提供职业培训.  In exchange, the employer can recoup up to 50 percent of the wages paid to the participant during the training period.

Incumbent Worker Training Grant:

The Incumbent Worker Training Program provides grant funding for training currently employed workers. 该项目适用于运营至少一年、需要对现有员工进行技能升级培训的企业.

Quick Response Training:

快速反应培训计划为提供可出口产品或服务的新企业或扩大企业提供定制培训提供赠款资金.  Companies must be creating full-time, high-quality jobs requiring specialized training that is not available in the local community. Reimbursable expenses under the program include instructor wages, curriculum development, and textbooks/manuals.


State Incentives

Florida offers bottom-line advantages for long term profitability for all types of businesses, from corporate headquarters to manufacturing plants to service firms. Enterprise Florida is the principal economic development agency for the state. Visit enterpriseflorida.com for full details on the state incentives listed below. Credit: Enterprise Florida.


Rural Jobs Tax Credit:

For eligible business, a $1,000 tax credit for each qualified employee, up to $500,000 in tax credits for job creation per calendar year. Find out more at Floridajobs.org.

Qualified Defense Contractor Tax Refund:

佛罗里达州合格国防承包商计划旨在鼓励国防工业在该州的定位和扩张. Pre-approved applicants creating or retaining jobs in Florida may receive tax refunds of $6,000 per net new Florida full-time equivalent job created or retained. For businesses paying 150 percent of the average annual wage, add $1,000 per job; for businesses paying 200 percent of the average annual salary, add $2,000 per job.

Capital Investment Tax Credit:

This is an annual credit, provided for up to twenty years, against the corporate income tax. Eligible projects are those in designated high-impact portions of the following sectors: advanced manufacturing, clean energy, biomedical technology, financial services, information technology, silicon technology, transportation equipment manufacturing, or be a corporate headquarters facility. Projects must also create a minimum of 100 jobs and invest at least $25 million in eligible capital costs. Eligible capital costs include all expenses incurred in the acquisition, construction, installation, and equipping of a project from the beginning of construction to the commencement of operations.

High Impact Performance Incentive Grant:

高影响力绩效激励是一项协商拨款,用于吸引和发展佛罗里达州的主要高影响力设施. 符合条件的项目必须:在以下部门的指定高影响部分-先进制造业, clean energy, corporate headquarters, financial services, life sciences, semiconductors, and transportation equipment manufacturing; create at least 50 new full-time equivalent jobs (if a R&D facility, create at least 25 new full-time equivalent jobs) in a three-year period; and make a cumulative investment in the state of at least $50 million (if a R&D facility, make a cumulative investment of at least $25 million) in a three-year period.

Brownfield Incentives:

佛罗里达州通过棕地改造协议(BSRA)为棕地企业提供激励。. The Brownfield Redevelopment Bonus Refund is available to encourage Brownfield redevelopment and job creation. Approved applicants receive tax refunds of up to $2,500 for each job created.


State of Florida Tax Advantages

Florida tax advantages佛罗里达州因其亲商的税收政策和具有竞争力的经商成本而跻身商业和企业家的最佳州之列. Your business dollars go further given the State's limited corporate taxes and no personal income tax. Florida offers nine tax exemptions related to machinery and equipment. Contact our office to discuss opportunties for your business. For online browsing, full details on the programs at floridarevenue.com.


Sales and Use Tax Exemption on Electricity and Steam:

用于制造的机器和设备直接和专门在固定地点使用的电费, process, compound, or produce items of tangible personal property for sale, or to operate pollution control equipment, recycling equipment, maintenance equipment, or monitoring or control equipment used in such operations, may be exempt from the sales tax.

Sales and Use Tax Exemption on Machinery and Equipment:

免税奖励,用于帮助在特定地点使用机器和设备进行生产的新企业和扩大企业, process, compound, or produce tangible personal property for sale or for exclusive use in spaceport activities.


Sales and Use Tax Exemption on Machinery and Equipment Used for Research and Development:

This tax exemption is available to help foster innovation through the state. Under this exemption, machinery and equipment used predominantly for reasearch and development are exempt from sales and use tax.


Infrastructure & Utility Support

Economic Development Transportation Fund:

The Economic Development Transportation Fund, commonly referred to as the "Road Fund,是一种激励工具,旨在缓解对特定公司选址或扩张决策产生不利影响的交通问题. The award amount is based on the number of new and retained jobs and the eligible transportation project costs, up to $3 million. 该奖项代表某一特定企业颁发给当地政府,用于改善公共交通.

Rural Infrastructure Fund:

Rural Infrastructure Fund Grant facilitates the planning, preparing, 为传统经济发展或以自然为基础的旅游基础设施项目提供资金,鼓励在农村社区创造就业机会和资本投资. 经济机会部(DEO)可能会奖励催化剂场地项目总成本的40%(塞百灵地区机场), 不超过总成本的30%用于不在指定催化剂地点的农村县的项目. 

Duke Energy:

杜克能源为商业和工业提供各种有竞争力的价格,以及各种服务计划,以匹配您公司的能源概况, including time-of-use choices. Additionally, an economic development rider is available for qualifying customers to reduce costs even further. Duke Energy also helps businesses manage their energy bills by offering low-cost, energy-saving inspections available for new construction and retrofit projects. Visit Duke Energy's economic development site for more information.

Commercial/Industrial Service Rider (CISR)

要求至少500千瓦的新负荷或保留500千瓦的现有负荷为佛罗里达州的客户,其当前负荷小于10,000 kW.

In order to qualify, 候选人必须提供证明文件,证明他们有可行的低成本替代方案,可以从杜克能源公司获得电力服务.

Qualifying applicants will receive a discounted electric rate calculated on a case-by-case basis. 

Qualifying applicants must sign a contract with Duke Energy (term to be negotiated).


Economic Development Rider

500 kW demand or greater* (≥50% LF) 

Five-year declining discount on demand and energy charges

Florida-targeted industry 

25 new jobs or $500,000 capital investment 

Existing or new construction 


Significant factor in company decision 

*Net New


Economic Re-development

350 kW demand or greater* (≥50% LF) 

Three-year declining discount on demand, energy and non-fuel charges 

Florida-targeted industry 

15 new jobs or $200,000 capital investment 

Building unoccupied/dormant for ≥90 days (no affiliation with previous owner) 


Significant factor in company decision

*Net New


通过吸引各种新企业和增加工业投资,提高6686体育集团官网的生活质量, all while facilitating the retention and successful expansion of existing businesses and industry.

Keep In Touch

Economic Development
Highlands County Board of County Commissioners
(P) 863.402.6924
(F) 863.402.6651